Word Camp Portland 2010: Live Media on Your Blog: Tips, Tricks and Chicanery

For me, this year has meant some great accomplishments in producing media, juxtaposed by a devastating loss in my life and emotional conflict that at times, seems insurmountable and has brought with it feelings of deep sadness and anxiety. But to run away and hide from what has been accomplished and what has been made possible, is the wrong decision. I will continue to participate in building community through exploring the boundaries of technology and media- to teach, to learn and to hopefully make new friends along the way!

With this in mind, I submitted and was selected to give a talk at Word Camp Portland 2010, a yearly WordPress enthusiasts gathering. Although I certainly don't consider myself a WordPress guru, I will give my talk on how to present live media on your blog- something I have spent many hundreds of hours producing. I hope to pass on some tips and also learn from the WordPress experts that will be there. If you won't be there in person, please join the live stream, which I will embed right here on this blog.

Dr. Normal – Live Media on Your Blog: Tips, Tricks and Chicanery

[caption id="attachment_151" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Photo Courtesy of Aaron Hockley"][/caption]

This is not your father’s blog: with so much rich media on the web, bloggers want to know how to embed everything from podcasts to live events using their Wordpress blog as a media portal.

Dr. Normal or doc normal is the nom de plume of Mike Gebhardt who makes great live video happen on the web.