I have been blessed to be thrust into the world of conferences these last few years as a planner, producer and videographer. Not the trade shows and expo floors that I've worked and attended in the past as a corporate technical marketing engineer, but special interest groups, birds of a feather type affairs that typically attract an audience of bright people to watch engaging speakers give their talks. For me it started small with something called a "Cyborg Camp" (how cool is that, right?) at a former SE Portland co-working office called Cube Space and then Bar Camps, Journalism Camps, Wordpress Camps (a lot of camping in there) and on to larger Open Source community conferences. And Portland, Oregon has hatched several of these gatherings, large and small, with WebVisions being the largest homegrown gathering of web and mobile designers in its 12th year and growing annual events in New York, Chicago, Atlanta and Barcelona to Open Source Bridge, the Portland conference for open source citizens in its 4th year and Word Camp (Portland Edition) in its 5th, for the community of bloggers and developers on the Wordpress platform. What makes these conferences work is the people involved, from attendees, speakers, organizers and volunteers who put their hard work and love into the event each year. Sometimes these gatherings can find the right venue to fit the atmosphere of the event and sometimes, for several reasons finding the right place to hold an event is a challenge.
Part I: Say Goodbye to Conferences, Say Hello to Love @XOXO

1) Funded on Kickstarter
Before there was ever an XOXO conference, there was a Kickstarter project that described the concept in a video. They raised ~$175k in less than 2 days. The conference was funded- now time to deliver.
2) Limit attendance to 400
Whether due to the venue or on purpose, this conference was limited to 400 ticket holders. Those that didn't have the opportunity to attend in person were offered the opportunity to get the "box of goodies" and early look at the presentation videos.
3) Single track conference
Track 4 is in ballroom B/C only when the sun is heating the earth at 82F unless it's Sunday. Come on! Can't we all just agree to get together in a single room and partake of the sessions all together? :)
4) Hold the conference in a visually stunning place
This is where the magic happened for me. To rent out a convention center or large hotel ballroom would have been easy, and vendors servicing those venues would have had their tried and true attack plan, but that's not how this one was going to roll…
(Next, PART II: Making XOXO)