I, Podcasting

[Sitting here typing this reminds me that no matter how busy I think I've been lately, I have no excuse for my lack of blogging on this site, and I've got a lot to share with you. Tons. But I keep telling myself I can't spare a moment to share my timely thoughts on such things like media production- something I've been doing a lot of in the last few years. I promise I'll do better and it should be worth it for you, the reader. Every lengthy email I type in response to a question about production is a potential blog post. Sharing and disseminating this knowledge is important to me.]

So, what about podcasting? I've done a lot of it in the past. I like it, and so do others. I miss it and have tried to return to it on a few occasions but without any permanence- and then I found a home. This new place had a regular schedule and a community of great people associated with it. Those are the two main ingredients for podcasting success, not special microphones or equipment- just good people to be around and the scheduling thing, and after four months of being in front of a mic every Monday as some sort of DJ, this week I can now say I'm returning to podcasting again! The timing behind this change is entirely due to the luck of recently making a new friend who is an extremely talented and hard working performing artist.


Stephanie Scelza sat in a room with two microphones and me on Monday, and we literally had nothing planned as we had only just agreed to do a show together a few days earlier. We didn't care. We knew we'd find something to do for two hours and we did. We talked about boxed wine, a Darth Vader Unicyclist in Portland, Steph's mad crush on Childish Gambino, Star Trek and how to properly handle your relationship status options on Facebook, among other important, hard hitting topics. It was fun!  And this show is so new, we don't even know what to call it yet... So check out "episode 1". You'll eventually be able to subscribe to it on iTunes (that version is posted here, sans music), or listen live on Monday's Noon to 2PM or the archives at House of Sound. Enjoy!

New Portland Podcast - 1st Episode - Bladder of Wine


And here's something else you may be interested in media-wise. About 2 years ago, Bret Bernhoft sat me in front of a mic to blather on about media, podcasting and Portland. I guess all the editing paid off and something coherent came out of it. :) In all seriousness, I'm honored he found my participation valuable. He captured several interviews with a diverse group of people for his Portland Media Documentary. I can't wait to hear more from this series. Check out episode 1: